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Serving the Maryland, Washington & Virginia Areas

Four Challenges of Cleaning Educational Buildings

Cleaning Educational Buildings

We all know that educational buildings are special places. These are the spaces where minds from toddler to adult are shaped with new information and abilities. But what most of us may not consider are the special challenges that come with cleaning these learning spaces. Here are 4 ways that cleaning an educational building isn’t quite like cleaning anything else.

1. Is this a living space or a meeting room?

Especially in preschools and elementary schools, a single class and their teacher/s spend a significant amount of time each day in one room. Schools and teachers often go to great lengths to make this classroom an inviting, comfortable space for the students. But the carpeting, upholstery, soft seating, and closely shared spaces all contribute to the risk of spreading germs and bacteria among the students and teachers. Cleaning in a classroom needs to be focused not only on controlling dust and other irritants and allergens, but also on regularly sanitizing all surfaces.

2. This building is for you, and you, and you, and…

Educational buildings, whether public or private schools, or institutions of higher learning, often double as community spaces. In addition to many school events, they may play host to non-affiliated meetings, gatherings, and events. This presents multiple challenges to anyone trying to keep the building clean.

First, the sheer volume of people passing through the building means that surface level cleaning of floors and bathrooms needs to happen more often. Second, the near constant presence of groups of people can present a challenge to scheduling special projects like stripping and refinishing floors. And third, in the challenge of all of the surface cleaning that needs to happen, equally important processes like sanitizing surfaces can take a backseat.

3. I missed that day in kindergarten

Cleaner buildings are healthier buildings. Cleaning can mitigate asthma and allergy triggers, as well as help prevent the spread of infectious disease. This is especially important in a school setting, where simply being able to be present is vital to a child’s education. If a dirty school building makes a child sick, the time missed at school could have an ongoing negative impact on their lives. And it’s not just dirt, dust, and germs that can be harmful – some cleaning supplies can themselves be irritants or triggers. When cleaning an educational building, it’s not only what needs to be cleaned that must be considered, but also what is being used to do that cleaning.

4. Who’s going to do it all?

When it comes to meeting the challenges laid out above, school administrators often have a hard time finding and hiring enough qualified custodial staff to stay on top of the cleaning. This may be due to budgetary restraints, or a simple lack of available workforce. As we’ve seen, cleaning an educational building properly is a job for someone with the proper training and supplies. When administrators struggle to find qualified staff, the whole population of the school can pay a price in increased sick days, and less comfortable surroundings.

Contact RJC Enterprises for info about Cleaning Educational Buildings

If you’re struggling with the demands of cleaning educational buildings, contact us at RJC Enterprises. We have the specialized knowledge necessary to keep all surfaces clean and sanitized, and we only use green seal cleaning solutions that won’t negatively impact student or staff health. All of our cleaning is done by full trained staff members, not temps or contractors. Contact us today for a quote on a cleaning plan that meets the unique challenges of your educational building.


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